Monday, January 20, 2014

After much thinking and debate I finally decided I was going to ask Rick to move out. This has little to do with his behaviour towards Merry. Thats just another example of his reckless behaviour and very little respect for my well being.

When it comes down to it the main reason is simply because I'm not happy.

Rick is in my opinion extremely lazy and irresponsible. Not to mention a mean drunk. I think the only way we have a chance of working out is if he moves out and learns responsibility, and then eventually we actually talk about moving in together, and sharing a home, 50/50, not me being his roommate, where he pays the absolute minimum rent, and does the absolute minimum around the house, no thanks, don't wanna be his roommate, I don't wanna split the bills 80/20, nope sorry.

So Rick didn't take it to well. Said it was icing on the cake, and that I must not love him at all but mostly because I told someone in my family what he said to Merry. I must not love him because I was upset and talked to my mom and sister and told them how he upset me. I'm the bad guy because I told someone what happened.... right, lets not even mention what happened and who did it... I'm the bad guy. He also said he would wait till Feb 19 to move out and not pay me another dime. Along with a lot of swearing, slamming doors, and drunk crazy behaviour.

I have a feeling today he will be a little more level headed and appologize... but lets go back to Wednesday, when I said it is absolutely unexeptable for him to say mean things that he doesn't mean at all with the sole intention of trying to upset me, who does that to people they care about?!?!?!? He swore it would never happen agian. So either he meant everything he said or he broke his 4 day old promise.

He had better start kissing my ass or I will have him kicked out.

I don't understand. He used to be almost perfect. I don't even know who he is anymore.

"I feel sorry for the next guy, after three months you will get bored with him, your pathetic"
Thanks Rick. Thanks for being so understanding. I was more than generous letting you stay way beyond what I agreed to. I'm tired of cleaning up after you, your worse than a child. I hate your dog.

Big changes coming. Meg and Gavin moving in. Merry and Rick moving out. As always I put a smile on my face and I'm greatful for my family and my friends and my job. I love life. Nothing can break me.

1 comment:

  1. Has he "made peace" with you and apologized to you? This post - about how he has acted makes me MAD (to put it nicely)! If he hasn't made peace and apologized, and started acting better towards you, kick him out! Unless he has some legal paper work that gives him, by law, the right to stay. If he is living with you, by a verbal agreement - kick him out! Kick him out now! Doesn't sound like he is doing anything to make your life better - LOVE is putting the other person before yourself. Clearly, you are showing love to and for him - but doesn't seem that he is reciprocating anything towards you. You are to beautiful, caring, nice, awesome of a person to be treated so awfully.
    He is out of line. From the all the good guys I know - how they treat their wife/girlfriend - they want and try to do (with in reason) everything they can to make their lady happy - working OT - doing things around the house - helping out - buying them things - making dinner - taking them out - spending time with them - etc etc etc
    Whenever I get mad at Brian for - forgetting something - or dropping the ball, I know it is just a mistake - a failure. It doesn't have to do with him not really loving me. B/c I have TONS actual examples on how he has 'bent over backwards' to do all kinds of things for me - to make me happy - to make my life better. We're all humans - we all screw up from time to time.
    But there is a difference between making a mistake every now and then, and a person who at their core, doesn't truly love/care. They might love/care on the surface when it benefits them.
    I don't know the whole story - but the fact that it has come to this - says a LOT.
    No matter how much we love someone, there is nothing we can do to "make them truly love us"
    They are gonna do it on their own, or they won't.
    I love you Leah and I hate to see you have to deal with.
    I know you have friends in MD but if you ever want/need to talk to someone on the phone, you can always call me. I probably can't "fix" anything but I can listen to you! =)
