Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Almost three weeks into invisalign, on my second tray, I can tell a difference on the top but not the bottom, I'm excited to see the next trays! I am getting used to having something constantly in my mouth, somewhat getting used to brushing my teeth 5 times a day, and seriously missing red wine. I think because I have to leave this tray in for 4 extra days I am going to designate a couple hours to a bottle of red wine on one of those days.

I have seen Ben twice... I shouldn't... but I did. He facebook messaged me wanting to see me, I was a little hurt he actually deleted my number, he said he was sorry and he missed me and doesn't hate me, etc., so I made him wait 6 hours then I hung out with him. It was nice to see him. I saw him again a week later. I spent a couple hours or so with him... we talked about life... how we ended up to be who we are... I need to stop seeing him.
I have a date tomorrow with a guy who likes to run and likes soccer and is cool with me having a kid... but he's in the air force, divorced, and I dunno... I guess I will just wait and see how it goes.
I miss Ben. There is so much about him that I really like, yet some things I hate.

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