Thursday, February 20, 2014

Plan is Meg moves in on Sunday.
Rick still has furniture and random stuff around house.
Says he can't get a truck till Sunday.
Sunday will be interesting!
Last night Emily spent night out.
I was alone.
I slept the best I have in weeks.

After a few crazy episodes Rick says hes sorry and loves me and will never give up on me.
I don't understand crazy.
If you love me and don't want to lose me then why say all the crazy things?

I let my cat sleep in my room. She is a great alarm clock, slept in the bed, didn't bother me till sun up, then attacked me till I got up haha cats are funny.
Today will be the first day she's alone all day, I wonder if she cares or likes it or is lonely? Do cats get lonely? She will have a cat friend on Sunday, never had a cat friend before, hopefully they get along!
I can't decide if I should wait till tax season is over to get a dog, or wait for my sister to move down the street and get dogs together, or maybe just play it by ear and keep volunteering at the SPCA and when the right dog comes along then snatch it up. I dunno.

I have a meeting at Emilys middle school tonight.... MIDDLE SCHOOL!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

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