Friday, March 28, 2014

Emily is awesome.

I had so much fun with her last night. We went running. She likes running. I love having someone to run with.

She's so funny, telling me how glad she is that I talked her into growing out her bangs, and how she doesn't like her big lips.

On the drive home from dinner she blasted the radio and we yelled/sang the songs together haha

She's not a child anymore, she's a little girl, with a big imagination and a personality that makes me a proud mama.

I really hope she stays sweet and we stay close, I hear stories of moms and their teenage girls and it scares me.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Busy....  work is busy. I haven't had a day off in 10 days now and I don't forsee one utill probably April 5, which I have plans and I refuse to go in.

Its snowing.

WHY IS IT SNOWING!?!??!!?!!?!!?

The A/C is on in my office.

Three more weeks of busy time then its finally time to relax!

I want a dog more and more every day. I really like this dog Lizzie at the SPCA right now, she's a sweety, I wonder if she will still be there in a month.... I will have to wait till I get back from Tulsa because the hotel I booked in TN does not allow pets, and besides I don't know if I want to be in a car with a dog for four days.

Ok back to work....